Events & Meetings
The 7th International Conference of Bionic Engineering-ICBE 2023
发布时间: 2023-09-08 00:00  点击:15243

October 12-15, Wuhan, P. R. China
Hosted by: International Society of Bionic Engineering (ISBE)
Organized by: Wuhan University; Hubei University; Jilin University


Biomimetic science and engineering is a rapidly developing interdisciplinary field that closely relates to biology, chemistry, physics, materials science, mechanical engineering, medicine and other disciplines. The 7th International Conference of Bionic Engineering & the International Youth Conference of Bionic Science and Engineering 2023 (ICBE & IYCBSE 2023) will not only offer a unique platform to exchange information and ideas, and to initiate collaborations between international bionic scholars, but also creates the opportunity to promote the transformation of bionic technologies and to address future challenges for biomimetic science and engineering.

Organized by Wuhan University, Hubei University, and Jilin University, the ICBE&IYCBSE 2023 will be conducted in an online/offline (Wuhan, China) hybrid mode.

Conference Topics

The theme of ICBE & IYCBSE 2023 is “human, nature, harmony”, including but not limited to the topics of biological systems, biodiversity,  bioinspired functional structures and surfaces, biomaterials and bioinspired materials, bionic machinery, biomechanics and rehabilitation engineering, biosensors and signal processing, bioinspired motion and robotics, artificial intelligence, nature inspired energy system, biofabrication and bioinspired manufacturing, industrial applications of bionics, sustainable and environmentally friendly novel technologies. 


Honorary Chairs:
Julian F V Vincent, Heriot-Watt University, UK
Thomas Stegmaier,DITF Denkendorf, Germany
General  Chairs
Luquan Ren, Jilin University, China
Pingwen Zhang, Wuhan University, China
Jianping Liu, Hubei University, China
Executive Chairs:
Longjian Xue, Wuhan University, China
Zhiguang Guo, Hubei University, China
Chris D. Rudd, James Cook University, Singapore
Marc Weissburg, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Lei Ren, Jilin University, China; University of Manchester, UK
Wan Doo Kim, Korea Institute of Machinery & Materials, South Korea
Zhihui Zhang, Jilin University, China

Scientific Advisory Committee

Iain Anderson, University of Auckland, New ZealandSheng Liu, Wuhan University, China
Friedrich G. Barth, University of Vienna, Austria
Weimin Liu, Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics, CAS, China
Wilhelm Barthlott, University of Bonn, Germany
Yan Liu, Jilin University, China
Bharat Bhushan, The Ohio State University, USA
Zhenning Liu, Jilin University, China
Giuseppe Carbone, University of Calabria, Italy
Poramate Manoonpong, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
Huawei Chen, Beihang University, China
Carlo Menon, Simon Fraser University, Canada
Mihai Chirita, University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Romania
Metin Sitti, Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, Germany
Zhendong Dai, NUAA, China
Yu Tian, Tsinghua University, China
Han Ding, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China
Shutao Wang, Technical Institute of Physics & Chemistry CAS, China
Ille C. Gebeshuber, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Zuankai Wang, City University of Hong Kong, China
Stanislav N. Gorb, Kiel University, Germany
Daniel Weihs, Israel Institute of Technology, Israel
Zhiwu Han, Jilin University, China
Chengwei Wu, Dalian University of Technology, China
Da He, Jilin University, China
Wenjian Wu, National University of Defense Technology, China
Lei Jiang, Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, CAS, China
Yuying Yan, University of Nottingham, UK
MinJun Kim, Southern Methodist University, USA
Shuhong Yu, University of Science and Technology of China, China
Michael R. King, Vanderbilt University, USA
Deyuan Zhang, Beihang University, China
Jianqiao Li, Jilin University, China
Shujun Zhang, University of Gloucestershire, UK
Hyuneui Lim, Korea Institute of Machinery & Materials, South Korea
Yongmei Zheng, Beihang University, China
Chaozong Liu, University College London, UK
Feng Zhou, Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics, CAS, China
He Liu, PetroChina, China

Plenary speakers



Paper submission

Original work written in English using the template provided and submitted online in PDF format. Selected peer-reviewed papers will be published on Journal of Bionic Engineering.
Submission page: 

Registration fee

Fee Type

Early Rate (by July 31, 2022)

Regular Rate
Delegate2700 RMB / 420 USD3200 RMB / 500 USD
Student1700 RMB / 260 USD2000 RMB / 310 USD
ISBE Individual Member2300 RMB / 360 USD2800 RMB / 430 USD
ISBE Student Member1300 RMB / 200 USD1600 RMB / 250 USD

Participants should register to attend the full conference (offline) and will receive 3 days of conference access including daily refreshments. Registration fees do not include lodging and participants are responsible for securing their hotel accommodations.  

Important dates

Deadline for abstract submission: 20 July 2023

Deadline for online registration: 15 September 2023

Registration date: 12 October 2023

Conference dates: 13-15 October 2023

Conference hotel

Eurasia Convention International Hotel(武汉欧亚会展国际酒店

Address: No.20 Jinyinhu Road, Dongxihu District, 430040 Wuhan, China (武汉市东西湖区金银湖路20号)

Contact information



Address: C508 Dingxin Building, Jilin University, 2699 Qianjin Street, Changchun 130012, P. R. China
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